Realizations || Ashlee Lewis ||

It breaks my heart. Everyday.
I follow a lot of high school aged girls on twitter, instagram, and facebook. I like to get to know my clients. Show them I am proud of their accomplishments.
Yet day after day, they make me so sad. My heart aches for them.
So much sadness and heart aches. Disappointments or inferior feelings.

* Never* let anyone make you feel like you aren't important. Like you don't matter. People that make you feel like that do not deserve to be a part of your life.

I have dealt with self esteem issues my entire life. I still do. Those that know me probably think that's crazy. If you just met me, you wouldn't believe me that I don't feel comfortable in my own skin sometimes. But I know what I am capable of. Who I am capable of being. I have dreams and aspirations. I have a husband and 3 kids that love me and my amazing family.

You are:
good enough
kind hearted

                In life we have to realize that we do not have control over everything. Yes, we might fail a time or two. That's ok. How else would we learn? You can not live everyday reminding yourself of these mistakes. Constantly belittling yourself. Reminding yourself. Why not tell yourself it's ok? Learn from it and move on.
                I know this is easier said than done. Believe me. As an adult I still deal with people that try to bring me down. I won't let them. I am a bigger person. I am all of those things I listed. You are too.

Write it on your mirror! put a post it note in the car.. Remind yourself daily of how important you are. If that doesn't help, call me, text me, message me, send a smoke signal. I will remind you.

 Smile pretty girl. 

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” ― Dr. Seuss,
